Some old school self-help books that everyone should read

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There are literally tens of thousands of self-help books out there, some not quite as helpful as others. There have been self-help books for centuries. Many of the new books are spin-offs of the old books. The old books that stand out, and have survived the test of time are the ones you need to read. They have helped millions, and the reason they have is that it is good solid advice and help. You will be surprised by how relevant these books are, even if they are older than your grandfather. Here are some of our favorites. 

How to win friends

In 1936 Dale Carnegie published “how to win friends and influence people.” It has even been in the top 20 of time magazine’s 100 most influential books. The book is actually basic advice that makes sense. Things you already know. Such things as smile, and pay attention to people when they talk, actually listen. Remember people names and use it. Be sincere and take an interest in the others personal interests. Don’t be negative and complain. All basic social benchmarks for improving relations with people. There is a lot more in the 200+ page book, but it is easy reading and will definitely help you when dealing with people. 

Positive thinking

Another old school one that everyone has probably heard of but not actually read is 1952 book “The Power of Positive Thinking” by Norman Vincent Peale. Though it has a heavy leaning towards faith, it is also a great book for the basics of being positive in your life. Using visualization and affirmations to focus on the positive and remove the negativity from your life. What a lot of people these days call fake it till you make it. It is an amazingly powerful book and should be read by anyone that wants to get more happiness out of their lives. 

A man thinketh

Published in 1903 by James Allen is a book that states that everything a man is comes from his inner world of thoughts. Though the book is written in an old fashioned language, it is a book that can spark a great idea on how to make that inner garden of thoughts a much better and organized place. Our thoughts are who we are, so making them better and being happier and more positive can change the outer version of who we are as well. 

Think and grow rich

Written in 1937 by Napoleon Hill, is another great book to read. Though most of the book is coached for making money, the basic principles can be used for success in anything. There are 13 steps that you have to master in the book. Most of them logical and you won’t have any argument with them. If you follow the steps you will find they make a large change in your life, whatever your goals. 

Self-help books have been around a long time, and under so many themes and different feelings it’s hard to keep track. These 4 books above, can encompass thousands of others, as they have been the seed from which many thousand other books have grown. They are simple and powerful, and with self-help, those are the 2 words that need to go together. It is fascinating to us, that although the culture of life has changed from gas lamps and horses to iPhones and internet, that the same problems plaque mankind. The same negatives, the same social issues, the same dreams. That books from that far in the past can address issues of today as well, if not better than many of the books today is quite amazing. They are well worth a read. It just goes to show, if some things are old, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are outdated.

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